[C52] Mip-Grid: Anti-aliased Grid Representations for Neural Radiance Fields


Despite the remarkable achievements of neural radiance fields (NeRF) in representing 3D scenes and generating novel view images, the aliasing issue, rendering ‘jaggies’ or ‘blurry’ images at varying camera distances, remains unresolved in most existing approaches. The recently proposed mip-NeRF has effectively addressed this challenge by introducing integrated positional encodings (IPE). However, it relies on MLP architecture to represent the radiance fields. In this work, we present mip_Grid, a novel approach that integrates anti-aliasing artifacts while enjoying fast training time. Notably, the proposed method uses a single-scale shared grid representation and a single-sampling approach, which only introduces minimal addtions to the model parameters and computational costs. To handle scale ambiguity, mip-Grid generates multiple grids by applying simple convolution operations over the shared grid and uses the scale-aware coordinate to retieve the approporiate features from the generated multiple grids. To test the effectiveness, we incorporated the proposed approach into the two recent representative grid-based mthods. TensoRF and K-Planes. The experimental results demonstrated that mip-Grid greatly improved the rendering performance of both methods and showed comparable performance to mip-NeRF on multi-scale datasets while achieving significantly faster training time. For code and demo videos, please see https://stnamjef.github.io/mipgrid.github.io/

Neural Information Processing Systems 2023