[C47] Kernel Shape Control for Row-Efficient Convolution on Processing-In-Memory Arrays


Processing-in-memory (PIM) architectures have been highlighted as one of the viable solutions for faster and more power-efficient convolutional neural networks (CNNs) inference. Recently, shift and duplicate kernel (SDK) convolutional weight mapping scheme was proposed, achieving up to 50% through-put improvement over the prior arts. However, the traditional pattern-based pruning methods, which were adopted for row-skipping and computing cycle reduction, are not optimal for the latest SDK mapping due to structural irregularity caused by the shifted and duplicated kernels. To address this issue, we propose a method called kernel shape control (KERNTROL) that aims to promote structural regularity for achieving a high row-skipping ratio and model accuracy. Instead of pruning certain weight elements permanently, KERNTROL controls the kernel shapes through the omission of certain weights based on their mapped columns. In comparison to the latest pattern-based pruning approaches, KERNTROL achieves up to 36.4% improvement in the compression rate, and 38.6% in array utilization with maintaining the original model accuracy.

IEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer-Aided Design 2023
Johnny Rhe (이존이)
Johnny Rhe (이존이)
Combined MS-PhD student
Kang Eun Jeon (전강은)
Kang Eun Jeon (전강은)
Post-doctoral researcher
Joo Chan Lee (이주찬)
Joo Chan Lee (이주찬)
Combined MS-PhD student
Seongmoon Jeong (정성문)
Seongmoon Jeong (정성문)
Combined MS-PhD student